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Pre-Revenue startups: Predictable sales… Predictable Revenue.
…how to show traction when we can’t show revenue, display outcomes and create a system for success?
Build. Measure. Do.
Are you measuring your sales and marketing results?
How to show investors you are gaining momentum and show them you know what you are doing, show traction when you are a pre-revenue company.
The 5 metrics to track for predictable sales:
New leads created per month
The amount of leads that convert to opportunities
The amount of opportunities that result in closed deals
Book revenues in three categories:
Ⓐ New business — net new from inbound/outbound channels
Ⓑ Add on business — adding on services to already existing purchase
Ⓒ Renewal business — businesses that renew after their contract is up
Qualified opps per month are the most important leading indicator of revenue.
Ⓐ Pipeline dollar value…